Thursday, March 18, 2010

FOOD/ comida

Eating food is a really good and delicious thing in life. I have always liked foods that taste really good and left me satisfied. I know that there are a lot of foods that I like that are really bad for me, like chips, cookies, and sodas, but I mean who does not like those things? They are so good. I have not ever had a problem with being fat or had any other health problems, and I eat healthy foods like apples a lot of the time. One of my favorite snacks that are healthy for you are “ants on a log”. Its HELLA good, its celery with peanut butter schmeared on top and then raisins stuck in the peanut butter. It has protein and vegetables so it is good for you. I have them almost everyday when I get home after school and they are not even that hard to make. It takes me like ttwo minutes to make like ten of them and that is an epic meal!

A lot of people in today’s world do not watch what they eat and its really bad for the health of the entire nation. Everyone just eats food like macdonalds and jack in the box without thinking about how it is going to change how they live later on in life. They just eat whatever the see and do even think about it. It’s a problem that is killing so many people in this world that we really need to start thinking about it. It will not be easy, I know that I will have trouble starting to turn my eating habits and general diet around but I know that if I do the payoff will be better than what I think it will be now. I will be around longer to see my kids have kids and be a more involved person in the world because I will be able to get up off my fat ass and actually do some work around the house, community, or at other places where things need to get done. Its not going to be easy but it is simple , there is a difference.

What I want to get from eating right is a life that I can be happy about and actually be able to play sports and run around when I am like thirty, forty, fifty, or even sixty. It’s a great feeling for me to know that I have been placed in a good place to live a health lifestyle, I live in a place where money is not the biggest worry and I have the choice to eat better if I want to. That is a lot more than people who live in some of the surrounding cities that can barely scrape by on the minimal and unhealthy life that they live. Because, lets face it, if you want to life healthier and longer in today’s world you must be willing to pay a little more here for a gym membership or here for fresh food at a farmers market. So that is why I choose to make it a goal of mine to eat better as a whole and take charge in what I am putting into my body.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

time, space, and gravity.

From what i hear Issac Newton was sitting under a tree one day and an apple fell from the tree. He wondered why the apple went down not up or just floated there. So he started doing experiments to explain this. i do not really know what test he did but they were proven correct. later in 1915 Albert Einstein wanted to know why gravity happened. this theory was called the theory of relativity. basically what Albert was saying is that space is like a blanket, flat and spread out. For example the sun, is sitting on the blanket making a dip in the blanket and the our planets are going in circles around the sun using the decline. I think of it like the planets using the dip as like a bowl people skate in and they go around in circles. I do not know if that helps but it makes sense to me. I watched a TED video about space and from that it made me want to know more so i went to YouTube. that is where i learned about the theory of relativity.

Learning about the theory of relativity i also learned about the speed of light and time. the speed of light is a really interesting thing. If you had two space ships that went the speed of light and made one go half the speed of light and had the other one just stay there and turn on a really powerful flashlight. You would figure that the person in the space ship going half the speed of light would see the beam of light slowly go by but since the the speed of light is the same speed no matter what; the person would just see the light like any normal light turning on. One thing that was amazing to learn was that if you could go faster then the speed of light, then you start to go in to the future, or time travel. but the thing is, and im not really sure if i fully understand this but if you go faster then the speed of light then your mass gets bigger? i am not really sure if that right or even how to explain it. i will look that up and post a new blog about it and anything new that i learn. this are only some of the things that go on in space, time, and that stuff. there are so many things that go on in space that are really cool to learn about. its interesting to me to read this because it explains alot about how things work and why they happen.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I have been to Hawaii with my family many times. Probably about 7 or 8 times we haven’t gone lately because it has been really expensive. The most fun part of going to Hawaii to me is the weather. The weather in Hawaii just makes you want to be happy, even when it rains the water is warm. The environment in Hawaii feels like everybody is in a good mood. I love walking on the beach when the sand is way to hot and you can barely stand on it. Snorkeling in Hawaii is an amazing thing to do. There are so many colorful fish in all different shapes and sizes. One time my dad took the left over bread that we had from the night before and went out snorkeling. I didn’t know what was going to happen. Then my dad gave me the bread to feed to the fish and right when I pulled out the bread a swarm of fish surrounded me. It was insane but it was a sight to see. The hotels in Hawaii or at least the ones that I have stayed at really make you feel like you are at home, which I really like. When I am older I would really like to move to Hawaii, maybe go to college there. If I can’t move there then I will for sure go back and visit. I have not been to all the islands but I have been to most. I would say my favorite island would have to Maui. Maui has such beautiful scenery’s. I can remember along time ago my parents and I went on a hike. There was this tree that was HUGE. It looked like the trunk of the tree was made out of giant vines. I think on this hike we went to go see a water fall. But I might be getting confused with another hike I went on. But the waterfall that I am thinking of seems like it was straight out of a movie; it was so amazing to be there and see. On the end of the hike we went down this hill that had so many guava trees. And they were very delicious too. One of the coolest parts of being in Hawaii is seeing all the geckos running around.