Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The rules for being a girlfriend or boyfriend to me would actually depend on you. Some guys hate it when the girl he likes just even talk to another guy and some guys can careless what she does. This can aply to both boys and girls by the way. But the main rule that im trying to say is that you should not cheat on your partner. I think that cheating is the worst thing you can do to another.

When going on dates the guy should be polite, for example he should pay for the date, he should open the door for her and ect. If someone were to break one of theses “unwriten” rules, the consiquence would most likely be a break up but for sure a fight. In a way it just depends on what you did or what rule your broke. You really should not lie to your girlfriend or boyfriend, it just makes things worst. One thing that really isnt a bad thing or a big deal but you shouldn’t say things that you don’t mean. Like for example if your girlfriend says they love you, you shouldn’t say I love you back unless you really do love them back.

I personally think that the guy should ask the girl out but again that’s just my opinion. It really shouldn’t matter who makes the first move because sometimes you can get really nervous and not be sure if the person likes you back. The last girl I liked she made the first move and everythings like that which was perfect lol, but it was kind of unfair. I think these rules were agreed upon by everybody. But I think these rules are different for everybody because everybody is different and have different oppionions. I think the way you act around the people you like might changed because you don’t want the person thinking bad about you wrong about you.

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